ACTION ALERT: Today is National Arab-American Voter Registration Day!


American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

Register to Vote on the Occasion of
National Arab-American Voter Registration Day (TODAY)

Washington, DC | | September 26, 2014 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is a proud co-sponsor of National Arab-American Voter Registration Day today, Friday, September 26, 2014, with the Arab American Institute (AAI), the National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC), and the Network for Arab American Professionals (NAAP).

It is not unknown to anyone that Arab-Americans are underrepresented in all facets of American politics. Today can be a huge step towards changing that reality.

National Arab-American Voter Registration Day is our community’s opportunity to legitimize our voice in the political landscape of the United States of America. ADC urges all members to partake in this very important occasion to directly impact government policies that affect our community. Make sure that you, your friends, and your family are all registered to vote, and get out the word to those who might not be.

As ADC President Samer Khalaf has stated, “Voting is the fundamental building block of democracy.” ADC has consistently worked towards protecting the equal voting rights that Arab-Americans and all minorities are entitled to. With the recent attacks on our voting rights, it makes it all the more important for us to act now and be registered to vote for upcoming elections.

Voter registration in the Arab-American community is a basic and crucial step to  create positive change in our society and let our representatives know that we are here. You can make all the difference by registering to vote and getting all of your friends and family to join in on this patriotic, empowering, and exciting cause.

Use hashtag #MyArabAmVote on Twitter to show us how you’re spending National Arab-American Voter Registration Day and what issues are most important to you. To find out where you can register to vote, visit this link or consult one of the participating Arab-American organizations listed above.

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