ACTION ALERT: ADC Requests Public Statements
from Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper
Washington, DC | | January 22, 2015 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has delivered letters to American Sniper director Clint Eastwood and actor Bradley Cooper regarding the escalation of moviegoers’ threats against the Muslim and Arab communities.

The ADC letters, which can be read here and here, request that Eastwood and Cooper make public statements condemning American Sniper-related racist remarks — many published via Twitter and other social media — and standing for unity. ADC believes that, given Eastwood and Cooper’s involvement with the controversial film, they may use their influence to quell the danger facing our community.
We call on ADC and community members to tweet the #AmericanSniper hashtag calling on Eastwood, Cooper, and the public to stand together against bigotry.
ADC has issued a community advisory regarding an escalation of violent threats made online against Muslims and Arabs as a result of American Sniper. ADC is working directly with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement on addressing these threats.
If you or someone you know receives a threat online, please forward them to [email protected].

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