Table of Contents
Executive Summary, 8
I – Legal Issues, 10
A)Introduction, 10
B)Physical and Psychological Attacks, 10
1) Physical Cases (Battery and Vandalism), 11
2) Psychological Cases (Assault and Threats), 13
a) Hate Speech, 15
C)Employment Discrimination, 17
1) Case Summaries, 17
D)Institutionalized Discrimination, 23
1) Airline Passenger Profiling, 23
a) Case Summaries, 24
2) Immigration and Naturalization Services, 28
a) Secret Evidence, 28
b) Indefinite Detention, 32
c) Other Forms of Immigration Discrimination, 33
i) ADC v Reno ( The LA 8 Case), 33
3) Denial of Service/Discriminatory Service, 35
a) Case Summaries, 35
b) United States Customs Service, 36
4) Other Forms of Discrimination, 37
II – Educational Discrimination, 39
A) Introduction, 39
B) Case Study–Baltimore, MD, 40
C) Case Summaries, 42
1) Physical Violence and Threats, 42
2) Harassment and Bias, 43
3) Textbooks, Curricula, and Educational Resources, 46
III – Media Bias and Defamation, 49
A) Introduction, 49
B) Entertainment Industry, 49
1) Film Case Studies, 50
a) Rules of Engagement, 50
b) The Siege, 51
c) The Mummy, 52
d) Positive or Balanced Films, 52
2) Television, 53
a) Drama–Case Studies, 53
i) Escape: Human Cargo, 53
ii) Days of Our Lives, 53
iii) Shadow Warrior 2: Assault on Death Mountain, 54
iv) The West Wing, 54
b) Non-Fiction Programming–Case Studies, 54
i) America Celebrates Israel‘s 50th Birthday, 54
ii) The 50 Years War, 55
iii) Diary of a Terrorist: Mikdad, 55
iv) Israel: Birth of a Nation, 56
c) Commercials–Case Studies, 56
i) Racist Ads on Sunday Morning Shows, 56
ii) Boyd‘s Bears, 56
iii) Yellow Page Ad, 56
C) Biased News Coverage and Hostile Commentary, 56
1) Introduction, 56
a) Case Studies, 58
i) Iraq, 58
ii) Crash of Egypt Air Flight 990, 61
iii) Conflict in South Lebanon, 63
iv) 2000-2001 Palestinian Uprising, 64
v) 2000 Charlotte Cigarette Smuggling Case, 66
2) Hostile Commentary, 68
a) Professional Arab Bashers, 68
i) Steve Emerson, 68
ii) Daniel Pipes, 69
b) Political Cartoons, 70
D) Other Forms of Defamation, 71
1) Racist Statements by Prominent Americans, 71
a) Reverend Franklin Graham, 71
b) Former Education Secretary William Bennett, 71
c) Senate Staffer James George Jatras, 71
d) Newsweek Reporter Matt Cooper, 72
e) Illinois State Representative Ron Lawfer, 72
f) Senator Conrad Burns, 72
2) Attacks on Arab-American Public Officials/Appointees, 72
3) Defamation During the 2000 Election and Other Campaigns, 73
a) Anti-Arab Racism during 2000 New York Senate Race, 73
b) Arab-American Senator Attacked as Supporter of Terrorism, 74
c) GOP Candidate: “Palestinians Lower than pond-scum”, 75
d) Pro-Israel Group Demands Candidates Shun Arab Americans, 75
e) Anti-Arab Bigotry in 1998 California Primary, 75
4) Billboards, 76
5) Racist Graffiti on Bombs Dropped on Iraq, 76
6) Defamatory Memo From PYA/Monarch, 76
7) Urban Warrior, 76
E) ADC Annual Media Recognitions 1998-2000, 77
1) Recognitions for Enhancing Tolerance, 77
2) Recognitions for Escalating Intolerance, 77
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